来源:厦门外事 | 作者: | 时间:2020-03-01
致境外来厦人员的一封信 欢迎来到美丽厦门。近期,包括我国在内的多个国家正遭受新冠肺炎疫情的困扰。病毒是人类共同的敌人,维护公共卫生安全是我们共同的义务,战胜疫情尽快恢复正常的生产生活秩序是我们共同的愿望。厦门愿同您一道抗击疫情,彼此守望相助,共同迎接春暖花开。 疫情无国界,人间有真情。前段时间,我市抗疫工作得到了各国大力支持和真诚帮助,纷纷来电来函表达关切和慰问,韩国、日本、以色列友城还送来了防护物资,我们将永远铭记在心。 到了厦门,不管您来自哪里,您的平安和健康就是我们最大的牵挂。根据国家和福建省公共卫生安全相关法规,以及厦门市应对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情工作指挥部发布的第7号、第8号公告,我们将实施适当的、必要的分类管控措施,处置工作力求科学、精准、温馨。一是对发热病人送定点医院收治,对其密切接触者及随行人员实行集中居住和医学观察;二是对境外来厦人员根据不同情况实施14天居家观察(有固定住所)、或14天集中居住和观察(无固定住所);三是根据自愿原则对境外来厦人员进行核酸检测,检测合格者可由居住所在区实施监督性医学观察。 严密的防护措施是阻断病毒感染最有效的方法,由此给您带来的不便,希望您能理解和配合。我们建议您注意自我防护,戴口罩、勤洗手、减少不必要的人员接触。衷心感谢您对厦门疫情防控工作的参与和支持,真诚欢迎您对我们的防控工作提出意见和建议。 厦门市人民政府外事办公室 2020年2月29日 Message for Inbound Travellers Arriving in Xiamen Foreign Affairs Office of Xiamen Municipal People's Government February 29, 2020 Welcome to Xiamen. The recent COVID-19 outbreak has hit China and many other countries. Confronted with the virus as the common enemy of the humanity, it is our joint responsibility to safeguard public health security and our shared aspiration to overcome the epidemic and see that our socioeconomic activities will resume as normal at the earliest time possible. Xiamen stands ready to work with you to combat the virus, tide over the difficulties and embrace shared victory together. Virus knows no borders. Yet, the worst of times reveals the best in people. During the past few weeks, many countries have extended generous support and heart-warming assistance towards Xiamen's prevention and control efforts. They have sent letters or called to offer compassion, concern and condolences, and our sister cities in South Korea, Japan and Israel have donated personal protective equipment and materials, for which we will always remain grateful. No matter where you travel from, it is our responsibility to safeguard your safety and health in Xiamen. As required by the national and provincial law and regulations for public health as well as the Announcement No.7 and No. 8 released by Xiamen Command Headquarters on Responding to COVID-19 Outbreak, we will carry out appropriate and differentiated prevention and control measures as needed in a scientific, targeted and people-oriented manner. Travellers with fever symptoms shall be hospitalized in the designated hospitals while their close contacts and companions will be put under collective quarantine and medical observation. All inbound travelers to Xiamen shall observe a 14-day home quarantine or collective quarantine in designated places (for those without fixed or permanent residence in Xiamen). Nucleic acid test for COVID-19 is available on a voluntary basis. Those tested negative shall be referred to their residential communities for further supervised medical observation. Stringent prevention and control measures are the most effective way to curb the spread of the virus. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated in case of any inconvenience this may cause. At the same time, we urge you to protect yourself by wearing a facemask, washing hands often, keeping social distancing and limiting face-to-face contact with others as much as possible. Thank you for your support and contribution to our fight against the epidemic. We welcome any suggestion towards our prevention and control response. |